
Pronunciation key

( fakt )



[<L. factum (that which is done, deed) <facere (neutral pp. of facere), to do, act. Doublet of FEAT. <IE. base *dhē-, to put, place, seen also in AS. don, to do and Gr. tithēmi, I place.]

  1. A thing that is true or has happened.
  2. A thing that has been, happened and true.
  3. A state of things as they are.
  4. Originally, a deed or an act.
  5. Some thing that has been done such as an act or deed.
  6. A thing that existent or exists.
  7. Characteristic of actuality, reality or truth.
  8. A piece of information or an assertion supported by documentation.
  9. Some thing which is said to have occured or to be true.
  10. Any statement which is based strictly on truth; true; reality.
  11. In Law, An alleged incident or condition as distinguished from its legal consequence. Issue based on evidence raised during court proceedings and the jury must base their verdict upon.
  12. A deed, especially CRIME "an accessory after the fact"
  13. Obs., A thing done; deed; performance.

Syn. Circumstance, Event, Proof

As a matter of fact; in fact; in point of fact. To tell the truth.


  • Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language (College Edition) ©1955
  • Funk and Wagnalls Standard Dictionary, Comprehensive International Edition, ©1976
  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary & Thesaurus, ©2004
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